As you prepare to apply to college, consider the sheer volume of student applications that pass through admissions officers’ hands each day. A former application evaluator from Brown University commented that, during her tenure, she and her colleagues were expected to read and decide upon five applications per hour. Or […]
Chances are you already know the massive importance of the college application essay. In fact you might be freaking out about how/where to start. Keep calm and read our guides on Brainstorming Your Essay and Story and Format. But, did you know that the activities and awards sections can also be […]
Only after you have thoroughly brainstormed about yourself and your motivations, and written your application arc, is it finally time to pick a topic for your essay. We will tell you time and again at Better College Apps that your essay is about YOU–but you can’t ignore what the application […]
Flipping the calendar from July to August marks the kickoff to an important season in a high school senior’s life! Aren’t you all so excited about college football training camp?! Wait, you aren’t thrilled? I might have gotten high school seniors confused with my husband…who loves football passionately. He’s counting […]
Many students struggle with identifying a good topic for their essay. Conventional wisdom says to start by brainstorming a list of potential topics, and chances are, you have already started a mental list of ideas. You might think you only have a few choices for topics, based on your activities […]
There’s no time like the present to nip cliches in the bud. The grass might be greener on the other side, but you can’t please everyone with your pithy quotes. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to writing your essay, and don’t let the admissions officers judge […]
Here at Better College Apps, we believe that the key for every student to the college admissions process is simple: you are unique. Sure, you’re human so you have tons in common with the rest of us–but, as a human, you have your own life experiences, talents, and goals. There […]
The PSAT is a standardized test like the SAT that measures scholastic aptitude. Many people say the PSAT is just a “practice” SAT, and that is mostly true. However, during your junior year, the October PSAT is used to determine National Merit Semifinalist status, which in turn can earn you […]
The average cost of applying to a college has risen to over $100. That includes the application fee itself, SAT/ACT exam fees and score transmission, CSS profiles, and sending transcripts. If you add on test prep tutoring, admissions consulting, college visits, and deposits it can cost over $1000 just to […]
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy….if you aren’t applying to college this year. But if you are applying to college this year, just a little work now will make the livin’ much easier later this fall. NOW is the time to start the college application process! The Common App […]