Our Approach


We believe that EVERY student is noteworthy and capable of an outstanding application.  You have individual strengths, distinctive talents, memorable life experiences, and your own particular voice.  You have what it takes to create an exceptional college applicationand we can help you get there. 


We are different from other admissions consultants.  We don’t charge a five-figure price tag for an all-inclusive package that aims to reshape your identity. We aren’t trying to turn you into someone you’re not.  We believe that colleges aren’t looking for superhero candidates.  Instead, we understand that colleges simply want to know what is already extraordinary about you.  Our approach is designed to help you present the best possible version of yourself in your application. 

We offer services a la carte, so you can get the help you need without paying a semester’s worth of college tuition.  Our services range from a complete application consult to a single essay review.  We can help with transfer applications, gap year applications, supplemental essays, letters of continued interest, or even postmortem application analysis.